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How to Choose a Retirement Community

A group of seniors sitting smiling and chatting with each other.

Retirement is an exciting new phase of life, full of opportunities and possibilities. For older adults, choosing a retirement community is a big decision. Urbana Place Senior Living is here to assist! Senior living communities offer a range of housing, floor plans, and amenities that can make the transition to retirement smoother and more enjoyable. […]

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What Exercises Should Seniors Avoid?

A close-up of powerlifting equipment. Many seniors have back and posture issues that make it difficult to lift weights correctly, and incorrect form can severely damage the back, shoulder, and arm muscles.

Numerous studies have shown that exercise has significant health benefits, which become more important as we age. Regular physical activity and exercise for seniors improve both mental and physical health, allowing you to maintain your independence as you age. As important as exercise is for older adults, all seniors must consider their current health and […]

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What Is Senior Living?

Happy senior couple smiling at camera while being in living room of senior community

Senior living is a great option when it’s time to retire, and you’re ready to move into a brand new community with like-minded neighbors. Senior living is the evolution of housing for older adults to help assist the transition into a new stage of life. The rise of dedicated communities offers a safe and comfortable […]

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